Wednesday, November 7, 2007

State Department Sunshine Patriots

It came to my attention last week that some career diplomats in the State Department are questioning their assignments to Baghdad and even refusing to serve there. I even read that one 'diplomat' (I use the term reservedly) called it a death sentence.

What nerve.

Actually, they have exhibited a total lack of nerve, cojones, huevos, courage, devotion to duty, or whatever you want to call it.

My immediate response to this is - FIRE THEM! If they are not willing to serve where they are needed, they do not need the job. Get rid of them and replace them with people who WANT to serve. These people were not drafted into these jobs - they volunteered. No one guaranteed them a cushy posting in Paris or London or one of the other embassies or consulates in nice, peaceful countries.

It strikes me that by going public with these issues and refusing to serve where needed, these people are actively undermining the existing foreign policy of our country - this could be called providing aid and comfort to the enemies of our country, which is the definition of the term Treason.

Not that the State Department is above acting in its own best interests and against established foreign policy. Many times in the past the diplo-dunces thought they knew better than the elected representatives and did what they wanted instead of what they were told - so I am not totally surprised to see state department employees acting up. But, this goes beyond that.

So, Condi, here is what you should tell them: "Here's your hat, what's your hurry? Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

Fire these traitorous jerks NOW.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

November 11, 2008 at 4:25 AM  

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