Those Wacky French-Like Surrender Moneys in Congress
Let’s see, where to start? The House passes its funding bill that also calls for the troops to be “re-deployed” as soon as possible, then the Senate does the same, then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi decides to start her own version of the State Department by “touring” the Middle East – including a visit to that garden spot – Syria.
Oh, did I mention that Speaker Pelosi had to lard the House bill with plenty of pork as a bribe to those House members waffling on the vote? The Members got what they wanted – plenty of tax dollars for the “folks back home” (special interests), and she got what she wanted - a bill that stands absolutely no chance of ever becoming law, but does a fine job of aiding ands abetting our enemies (is that not the definition of treason?).
Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Harry “Chicken Neck” Reid get to crow loudly about defeating the President, while making our enemies in Iraq (also Syria & Iran) and Afghanistan feel all warm and fuzzy. How nice of them.
Side Rant!
This “re-deploying” jazz reminds me of how the French “re-deployed” their troops out of Vietnam, Algeria, North Africa, and yes, even France (in WWII). It seems that our wonderful Congress has decided to use the French model for waging war – at first make concessions, then run away, then surrender, then collaborate. The only French troops who actually fight are the Legionnaires, and they are not French! Vive la mort, vive la guerre, vive la sacre mercinaré!” So, the French surrender monkeys are alive and well and living in Washington, DC and impersonating leading member of the US Congress
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And Speaker Pelosi is now touring the Middle East – obviously to get more chances to undercut the President and his foreign policy. She really is a Rebel without a Clue. Being led around by the nose by is no way to live, Nancy!
I am so sick and tired of all these so-called “patriots” calling out for the removal of out troops – before the job is accomplished. I guarantee you all the troops want to come home, but none of them want to tuck tail and run – which is the affect the Congress’s shenanigans will have.
Pelosi & Reid and all of their ilk are nothing but traitorous scum. They either do not understand the effect of their machinations on the morale of the troops, or they don’t care, or they actually want us to lose this war. These actions undermine our troops – I don’t care how much they shout “We support the troops!”, give aid and comfort to the terrorists and insurgents and their pay masters (Iran, Syria & Saudi Arabia), and give me and those like me the red ass.
And all for a political “victory” that helps no one.
I guess Nancy & Chicken-Neck will not believe we are at war until the terrorists are shooting and bombing in San Francisco and Las Vegas.
Hard to post a comment when you have so eloquently voice my feelings....WHY is she over there? The Dem's won the last elections....enough they need to stop showboating and try to work....The presidents veto power needs some exercise.
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