Global Warming? Not today . . . Wait a Minute
I was going to rant about global warming today, but I see some common sense has been injected into that arena – and by the New York Times of all places. They have actually been questioning Al Gore’s assertions that the world will end in about 10 minutes. So I decided not to rant about that, instead I read the paper this morning looking for good rant material. I found a great article that got my juices flowing, and now I can remember
That “consensus” among scientists about global warming that Mr. Al “Chicken Little” Gore has touted - how the ice sheets at the poles were going to be gone by next Tuesday and most of the developed world would be underwater, is not quite as all-encompassing as Al says it is.
Some scientists are questioning whether global warming even exists; what role man might play in any actual warming, etc. Interesting enough, we had what was called a “Climatic Optimum” back at the end of the Middle Ages – when temperatures were higher than today. The growing season in Europe was much longer, meaning people did not have to scramble as much to get food, which gave them time for other pursuits, which led to . . . everything in western civilization today. The Vikings were growing crops in Greenland for craps sake! Oh, and that is why it is called Greenland – when the Vikings landed there, it was GREEN! Not so today. Greenland today is thousands of feet of ice with a rim of bare land along the coasts.
Side Rant!
It occurs to me that many people who live in and have the advantages of today’s western civilization don’t actually like it. Or feel guilty about it. Or something. The politically correct thing is to denigrate all aspects of our world and blame it on dead white guys (or on George Bush)
We – western civilization - are destroying the environment!! Actually, the worst environments are in the 3rd World, where they clear cut the rain forest, pollute the air and water, and generally don’t care the environment at all. I know, I know – those poor people are just trying to survive, and we should be helping them, so what they do to the environment is actually our fault (that would be you and me).
Question raised by the Side Rant – If the industrial nations are the 1st World, and all those undeveloped nations are the 3rd World, what is the 2nd World?
Back to the Main Rant
So, Al Gore, who by the way, invented the Internet and just about ever other modern convenience, has had his environmental credentials questioned by the only arbiter of liberal values that matters – the New York Times. Even they are wondering just what kind if hypocrite has been spawned by the “stolen election” of 2000. (Just think – this man was almost the President!! If you think things are bad now, just imagine what Al would have done after 9/11. Al Qaeda would probably have a seat in his cabinet.)
The man is a hypocrite of the first water – which is why he lasted so long in Washington. He talks the talk of environmentalism (remember “Earth in the Balance”?), but walking the walk is way beyond his capabilities.
Carbon credits – what a crock! Those are just a way for “caring” individuals (rich liberals) to do whatever they want and not feel guilty.
So, I guess I did rant about global warming after all.
Tomorrow I promise something different – maybe the state of public education in America today.
Love the rants! Thanks!
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