Illegal Immigration – What to Do, What to Do
So, this week marks one year since we had all the marches to stop that horrible Congress from doing anything to fix our immigration mess. If you will remember, last year this time saw thousands of illegal immigrants marching in the streets, waving Mexican flags, and demanding their rights as . . . illegal immigrants.
What would those rights be? How about free education for the kiddies at public schools, free medical care at public hospitals, welfare and food stamps, and due process in our courts. Add in the right to vote in some locales – that’s right, vote. In the last election, there were several instances where illegal immigrants voted. Think this is wrong? OK, research it for yourself. Google “illegal immigrants voting” and see what hits you get. When I did it, the third link was to a site about giving non-citizens the right to vote in New York City. There was another link that told of Democrat activists going to last years marches and getting illegals to fill out voter registration cards.
It seems that, if you are in this country – in whatever manner you got here, many idiots and liberals (I use those terms interchangeably) think – excuse me, feel – that everyone has the rights to whatever they want.
Here comes that Side Rant
Have you noticed that liberals and other morons always “feel?” It is never “I think . . . “, it is always “I feel . . .” What is that all about? Feelings are more important than thought? Or, there is no thought involved, only feelings.
More of these people should try to use their brains once in a while. I know it is hard, and will probably hurt, but a little grasp of reality is necessary every so often.
You know the old saying – “If you are not liberal when you are young, you have no heart. If you are not conservative when you are older, you have no brain.”
Illegal immigrants are criminals. Period. The very fact that they came into this country illegally makes them criminals. Do all illegals come here and commit more crimes? No, but many do. Being illegal immigrants makes them more prone to committing other crimes – like driving without a valid license or insurance or identity theft. You may not think these are serious offenses until your get in an accident with someone like this, and you end up paying for everything, or you have your identity stolen so some illegal can have a fake social security card.
Illegal immigrants show no respect for this country. They show that disrespect by coming here illegally. They are likely not paying taxes, and they are using the resources of this country and giving nothing back. Oh, you say they are giving back by working? If that is true, why is the 2nd biggest source of cash in Mexico from monies sent back by illegals? (the biggest source being drug money). And why are wages for blue collar jobs artifically depressed? It may be because employers know they can hire illegals at reduced pay.
Illegal immigrants are unlikely to try to assimilate into our culture. Because they are here illegally, they try not to be noticed, and the best way to do that is to disappear into neighborhoods filled with their fellow countrymen, where assimilation is not an issue.
I know a lot of you idiots, liberals and illegals who may be reading this are yelling about my racist rant. Well, call me names all you want, but this is not a racist attitude. I don’t care what race you are, or what country you are from. If you follow the law and come here legally, I will welcome you and wish you well as a new American. Choose to ignore the law and come here illegally, and the only right you have is to a bus ticket to the nearest border.
Came here from or through Mexico? You get a free bus ride to the border, and you are left to the tender mercies of the Mexican officials. That is your only right. No due process, no free medical care, no nothing. You get jailed (you broke the law!!) until the bus is ready to leave.
What do we do about the masses of illegals already living and working here? Easy. Let all law enforcement personnel – local, state and federal – enforce the laws. When they catch a person who is here illegally, put them in jail and then on the daily bus to the border. What to do about their families, especially the young kids who were born here and are citizens? They all go back to0. When the kids are of age (18), they can come back here legally (assuming they can prove citizenship).
What about a guest worker program? Good idea. Let the companies and industries who want to hire these people pay to set up guest worker processing centers in the various countries whose masses of citizens would rather come here than stay at home. Let the guest worker come for 6 or maybe 8 months to work, and then make them go back home for at least 1 month before coming back. If they want to stay here permanently, they have go through the legal process to do so – from their country, NOT from here. No guest worker should get to stay here permanently for any reason.
Make the companies who hire them responsible for them. If you bring 10 workers here, 10 have to leave after their time is up. Lose track of any of them and you pay through the nose.
I would also strongly recommend that we tag all guest workers with chips that identify them and keep track of them. A GPS tracker that could be activated if the worker takes a hike. And let the hiring companies pay for that too. I know this will be unpopular with the "feeling" liberals, but so what. If tough measures are necessary to protect this country, then so be it.
Sound harsh? OK. Why should it be easy to come here? If you do not like the idea of being a guest worker, stay at home.
And, to the Mexican government – get a grip, while ya? What does it say about a country when most of its citizens want to leave? We owe you nothing, so take care of your own citizens.
I thought maybe it would be a good idea to make Mexico the 51st state, but who wants it? It took about two seconds to nix that idea.
So, in summary – here is the correct immigration policy as I see it:
- Do what it takes to close the borders. Build fences, put the military on guard, whatever it takes to curb the inflow. We cannot stop it, but I bet we can slow it down a great deal.
- When we catch an illegal immigrant, send them back to wherever they came from – a bus to Mexico, a ship to China, wherever. No court date, no due process, no nothing. These people are criminals, and the penalty for their actions should be to be thrown out, and by the cheapest means possible. And, charge their country fees for everything we do for their citizens. Those countries won't pay, but we can sure reduce the aid we send them by the amount we spend to get rid of their citizens. Maybe if it costs Mexico to let their citizens leave, they will do something about it.
- Start a guest worker program, but no one here illegally gets to sign up. The only people who get to sign up are those who do it in their own country.
Got a problem with any of this? Rant back at me.
respone to: "Start a guest worker program, but no one here illegally gets to sign up. The only people who get to sign up are those who do it in their own country."
- there is one - H2B -
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