Monday, March 19, 2007

Iraq – What did You Expect?

I took Sunday off – even a Master Ranter needs a day off once in a while.

Now, today’s rant is all about our War on Terrorism, or a better name – War on Islamic Fascism. That is what we are fighting. Some lunatic Muslims, with delusions of grandeur, have decided that everyone in the world needs to be Muslim or dead, and the Caliphate must rule everywhere. Osama Bin Laden is a megalomaniac using religion as a means to power. Osama, the Caliphate ended in the 16th Century, get over it. Nobody but the other nutcases you have co-opted and some illiterate peasants have bought into your delirium.
Daily Side Rant

Have you noticed that the ignorant peasants are the ones who die – especially as suicide bombers? The “leaders” are always sending out these poor schmos to die for the greater good of Allah and become martyrs. If martyrdom is so great, why don’t the “leaders” of this “cause” put on the vest and take the trip?

The only time the “leaders” die is when someone (the US military) shines a light in one of their holes, and follows that with a 2000 lb JDAM.

OK, all done, back to the regular rant.
Now, several pieces of “conventional wisdom” that bother me about the war, so I will get them off my chest.

Saddam was not directly involved in 9/11. Not totally proven, but even if true, SO WHAT?
He paid the families of suicide bombers $25,000 after the idiots blew themselves up. That is aiding and abetting terrorism by any definition.
One of the biggest terrorists of all time (before Osama became the ONLY terrorist anyone cares about), Abu Nidal, was living comfortably in Baghdad – before his untimely death (he died about 20 years too late.
The Iraq intelligence service met several times with several Al Queda buttheads over the years.

Iraq did not have WMDs, so Bush lied. Actually, the liar was Saddam. He had everyone convinced that he had ongoing biological and chemical weapons programs – HE USED CHEMICAL WEAPONS SEVERAL TIMES on his own citizens – and that he was working to get his nuclear weapons program reconstituted. If every intelligence services in every western country said he has these weapons, then what was President Bush supposed to do? Ignore all the evidence? I think ont

Iraq is not part of the War on Terror. This is the biggest load of crap I ever heard. Idiotic “jihadists” have been coming to Iraq for 4 years now, to get their licks in on the good old US of A. They get to go to Iraq, set off a roadside bomb or two, then get killed by our soldiers and Marines. Sound like a good deal to me. If the people who want all Americans dead did not have Iraq to go to to die for their God, they would find more nefarious ways to do so –like blowing themselves up in the mall down the street from your house. Which do you prefer?

Iraq is a quagmire, like Vietnam. Well, when 10 years have gone by with no victory, or signs of any, and over 50,000 brave soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines have died, then talk about a quagmire.
When the government micro-manages the war to the extent that the enemy knows exactly what routes the bombers will take, exactly what targets are OK to bomb, and which will be spared, then talk about a quagmire. (Oops, this is exactly what Congress is trying to do now)

Non-Binding Resolutions against the war. Save me from all these caring politicians. If you are in Congress and are against the war, then legislate to do the only thing you can to stop it – cut off funding. But, spare me the mealy mouthed non-binding resolutions. “We are against the war, but we support the troops.” What crap. “Soldiers, we think you are great, except that we do not support your mission (mostly because we hate Bush so much nothing else matters), nor do we support your leaders (we got rid of Rumsfeld and Bush is next). We think what you are doing in Iraq is wrong, but we think you are the best!”

No mixed message there.

So, a last thought. NO ONE wants war. I guarantee the most rapid anti-war people you will ever meet are in the military (after all they are the ones who fight and get hurt or worse). Give me an alternative. Let the Islamists win? Let the darkness that is radical Islam take over a major part of the world? Look what is happening in Europe. They left the gates open in the name of cheap labor and a laisse faire attitude, and they now have a huge Muslim problem – large percentages of their populations are Muslim immigrants with no desire to assimilate. These largely young, mostly unemployed people are ripe for radicalization, and the imams are making inroads.. If they are not careful, the Muslims will get their Caliphate started in western Europe with very few shots fired. Better the fight them somewhere else than here.


Blogger cincin21 said...

Wow .... feel better, Dear?

Good one!

March 19, 2007 at 11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to look into Saddam's terror links that have flown under the radar check out the site

March 21, 2007 at 8:58 AM  

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